The International Escapologist Society
Escapologists Unite!
The International Escapologist Society (T.I.E.S.) welcomes you. What do you want to say?
Dr. Anton Nova
11:54 AM on May 20, 2016 by antontheenigmatist@gmail.com
Hello, I am glad 2 see such a dedicated group and welcome others who may want 2 brainstorm or exchange ideas 4 routines. CARPE DIEM, Anton at www.facebook.com/anton.nova
7:51 AM on January 3, 2011
Glad to see such a well done site. Best of luck! I'll be posting some photos of restraints that I hope people will like.
6:29 AM on December 16, 2010
The Artist Fomerly Known As Helen Held, The Girl No Man Can Hold. Been away from magic for a while concentrating on settling down with my Fiancée, but getting back on the horse again in preparation for a couple of shows next summer.
Great to see you all again and look forward to learning from you all once more.
7:24 PM on December 7, 2010
Great start Cliff! I read the Newsletters, first props to Ros, it is great to see some new writers gwtting stuff out there. Cliff I will get an article done for you soon. Everyone MUST read Cliff's Convention story in the December edition. Cliff, barmaid, handcuffs and a camera, Nuff said. I miss the conventions, I made the first two.
Sheryl Aguilar
5:20 PM on December 10, 2010 by saamaui@hotmail.com
Hi Everyone, I'm just trying to stay in touch with at the Escape'ees
10:18 AM on November 27, 2010
Hey Cliff, Great job in putting this site together.
2:55 AM on November 26, 2010
So, the first e-mag has gone out and I was published on the same page as Norm! How cool is that?!?!?! I've had a chat with Cliff and, not giving anything away, its looking likely we'll be releasing another issue in December!
Please keep the contributions coming in
10:19 PM on November 24, 2010
Added some pictures and a video. Love the site. Best of luck with it and if there is anything I can do to help just let me know.
Your Friend
4:07 PM on October 24, 2010
Thanks for creating this site. With Norman Bigelow providing an article in your first newsletter, what a great start!
10:47 AM on October 16, 2010
I'm not much of an Escapist except when it comes to getting out of work, but fortunately I have an interesting teen-age Wiz Kid by the name of Qua-Fiki who tackles chains and ropes with enthusiasm.
6:14 AM on October 4, 2010
Glad to be aboard. Thanks Cliff (AKA "The 0 g Houdini.)